Questions?Contact us at


The staff at the other end of that e-mail are:

Jayden Miller-Boothe, Competitions and Events Developer

DJ Brown, School & Youth Outreach Coordinator

Dondre Wright, School & Youth Outreach Coordinator

Many of you would have met them in person at your qualifying events or virtually over email or phone.

Championship Key Contacts

Staff   Mobile #
Sheryl Huestis  
Main SOO Contact
Bryan McMillan
Champs Manager
Jayden Miller-Boothe 
Accomodations - Transport - Endaayaan
DJ Brown 
Accomodations - Transport - Endaayaan
Dondre Wright 
Accomodations - Transport - Smith House
Michael Chung
Basketball -  Watts Hall
Juliane Kennedy
Bocce - Watts Hall 
Samantha Damiani (vol) 
Floor Hockey
Hellaina Rothenburg 
Track - Smith House
Lacey Downing 
Track & Field
Brock Reissner 
Healthy Athlete
Communications - Hayley Plante 
Brant House